If you aren’t a meat eater, or if you like cauliflower you’ll love grilled cauliflower steak.. It’s delicious and very easy to prepare.
You’ll need a head or two of cauliflower. Typically 2-3 steaks per head.
1 tbsp smoked paprika
2 tbsp minced garlic
1/4 cup olive oil
1 squeezed lemon
salt to taste
pepper to taste
Remove the leafs from the cauliflower and keep most of the stem
Cut the cauliflower into 2-3 inch pieces with the stem (the stem holds it together)
Keep the excess pieces to grill on the side
Coat the cut pieces with olive oil
Mix the paprika, garlic, lemon, olive oil, lemon, salt and pepper in a container
before placing the steaks on the grill brush the mix on the cauliflower
Grill for 15 minutes or until you can easily pierce the steaks with a fork
If not using a grill bake the cauliflower at 450 degrees for 15/20 minutes